22 Extensions
EntityProperty, render style and view components can be extended.
Entity Property
To add a new type of EntityProperty, extend EntityProperty or one of its subclasses and
define the following constructor:
public class MyEntityProperty<T extends PersistenceEntity> extends EntityProperty<T> {
public MyEntityProperty(PersistenceDataBackingBean<T> backingBean, String name, Class type,
Method readMethod, Method writeMethod, EntityProperty<T> parent) throws SystemException {
super(backingBean, name, type, readMethod, writeMethod, parent);
MyEntityProperty can be used in property annotations:
@Property(name="foo", entityPropertyType=MyEntityProperty.class)
MyEntityProperty objects can also be created dynamically and added to EntityBackingBean or
Render Style and View Component
To add a new view component type, a style number must be specified. A style number is mapped
to a view component type (one to one). Style numbers from 1 to 500 are reserved. For example,
Add render style for view component ColorPicker.
public static final int RENDER_STYLE_COLOR_PICKER = 501;
Style numbers can be used in property annotations. For example,
@Property(name="color", renderStyle=@RenderStyleDef(style=RENDER_STYLE_COLOR_PICKER))
or in a RenderStyle object:
RenderStyle renderStyle = new RenderStyle(RENDER_STYLE_COLOR_PICKER);
For web, add the new JSF ColorPicker component in the file "include/property.xhtml"
inside cmobilecom-af-<version>.war under ${CMOBILECOM_AF_DIR}/installer. For example,
add PrimeFaces colorPicker component:
<f:facet name="style_501">
<p:colorPicker value="#{property.valueString}" >
<p:ajax process="#{property.partialBehaviorSupport['change'].executeString}" event="change"
disabled="#{(empty property.partialBehaviorSupport['change']) || property.partialBehaviorSupport['change'].disabled}"
listener="#{property.uiView.handleAjaxBehaviorEvent}" />
Note that the facet name is "style_" followed by style number.
property is EntityProperty variable that can be bound to UI component attributes.
For example,
<f:facet name="style_502">
<my:myComponent value="#{property.valueInteger}"
action="#{property.actionMethod}" />
The EntityProperty using the style number must define getter/setter of valueInteger and
method actionMethod.