For example, load foo/bar.xml under www/docs/userGuide into a textArea.
<object xmlns=""
id="object1" type="textFile">
<preText><![CDATA[<textArea readonly rows="10" cols="120">]]></preText>
charset is file encoding. mimeType can be text/html, text/plain or text/xml.
By default, mimeType is text/html, and the text will not be escaped.
The text will be escaped for mime type text/xml and text/plain.
preText is the text that will be added to the beginning of the text. postText is the text that will be appended to the end of the text. both preText and postText are optional.
Example: suppose there is a user guide directory under site "docs" directory:#{dataAccessUnit.home}/www/docs/ userGuide/ index.html examples/example1.html examples/example2.html images/image1.gif css/example.cssThe URL pattern is /docs/userGuide/[filePath]. So the URL rewriting rule is:
<parameter name="pageIdentifier">/docs/userGuide.xpg</parameter>
<parameter name="filePath">$1.html</parameter>
The URL /docs/userGuide/examples/example2.html will be rewritten as:
/index.xhtml?pageIdentifier=/docs/userGuide.xpg&filePath=examples/example2.htmlEmbed the HTML user guide into page /docs/userGuide.xpg that can be shown in page container with main menu and page header/footer. (refer to "Page Container" in Website module docs)
<object xmlns=""
id="textFile1" type="textFile">
#{param.filePath} is the value of the created request parameter "filePath".
so the physical file to be embedded for the URL /docs/userGuide/examples/example2.html is
#{dataAccessUnit.home}/www/docs/userGuide/examples/example2.htmlResource files (e.g., images, css) may be referenced in embedded HTML files. For example. The content of /docs/userGuide/examples/example2.html contains:
<img src="../images/image1.gif"/>The image URL resolved by web browser is /docs/userGuide/images/image1.gif that will be handled directly by Website module without URL rewriting.
See Website module docs for more information.