Cmobilecom AF 5.19 Developer Guide

Embedded Objects - Menu

Menu is a tree of menu nodes. A menu node can link to a page, a URL address, or open a submenu. A menu can be embedded in a page in different styles, including menu bar, tiered menu, tree, and accordion tree.

Embed An XML Menu

Embed a menu that is defined in XML.

	<object xmlns=""
			id="menu1" type="menu">
For example,

	<object xmlns=""
			id="agenda_menu_2023" type="menu">

A menu in XML consists of a tree of menu items. A MenuNode object will be created for each menu item in XML.

For example,

<menu nameLocalized="true" urlBase="/userGuide" menuStyle="TREE" expandedDepth="2">
	<item name="Example1" url="examples/example1.html" />

	<item name="Example2" >
		<item name="Example2-1" url="examples/example2-1.html" />
		<item name="Example2-2" url="examples/example2-2.html" />

	<item name="Example3" url="" target="_blank" />
	<item name="Example4" url="/foo/bar.html" />
The menu xml can be inline under the object element. For example,

	<object xmlns=""
			id="menu2" type="menu">

		<menu nameLocalized="true" urlBase="/userGuide" menuStyle="TREE" expandedDepth="3">
			<item name="Example1" url="examples/example1.html" />

			<item name="Example2" >
				<item name="Example2-1" url="examples/example2-1.html" />
				<item name="Example2-2" url="examples/example2-2.html" />

			<item name="Example3" url="" target="_blank" />
			<item name="Example4" url="/foo/bar.html" />
The relative URLs of menu items will be resolved by prepending urlBase as followings:
	Index                 (url="/userGuide/index.html")
		Example1          (url="/userGuide/examples/example1.html")
			Example2-1    (url="/userGuide/examples/example2-1.html")
			Example2-2    (url="/userGuide/examples/example2-2.html")
		Example3          (url="", target="_blank")
		Example4          (url="/foo/bar.html")
If a resolved URL starts with / (not http or https), it is a URL under contextPath.

Embed Menu From Hierarchy Entities

Hierarchy Entities can be embedded as tree-structure menu. For example, BookCategory entities are hierarchy entities. Clicking a book category will list all the books under the category.

	<object xmlns=""
			id="book_categories" type="menu">

			<menuNode key="hierarchy.entity">

			<menuNode key="hierarchy.root">
DataType myModule.BKCAT is mapped to BookCategory entity type. Style number 16 is OUTPUT_LINK (defined in class RenderStyle).

For example, book categories as a tree menu:

Embedded Objects: EntitiesEmbedded Objects: Partial Behavior SupportFrames / No Frames