Cmobilecom AF 5.19 Developer Guide

Embedded Objects - Entities

An object of type entities is an EntityListBackingBean with a pageable list of persisted entities. For example, embed full-time employees hired after May 18, 2010, ordering by employee id, 30 employees per page:

	<object xmlns=""
			id="employees" type="entities">

			<function name="EQ" property="type">FULL_TIME</function>
			<function name="GE" property="hiredDate">2010-5-18</function>
			<asc property="nid"/>


The criteriaElements is used to create query criteria to retrieve entity list from persistence.

The viewConfig parameter entity.not.found describes what to do if the entity list is empty.

		<param name="entity.not.found" value="ignore" /> 
Parameter: entity.not.found. (default: keep)
Embedded Objects: EntityEmbedded Objects: MenuFrames / No Frames