minFractionDigits=0, maxFractionDigits=0)))
minFractionDigits=0, maxFractionDigits=3)))
Number type can be CURRENCY, NUMBER, PERCENT or NO_FORMAT, and number format is locale sensitive.
If number type is NumberDescriptor.Type.NO_FORMAT(default), then constructor will be used to convert
user input to number. see section: Other Types.
public enum Color {
The string value "RED" is converted to Color.RED.
Timestamp is converted to/from string using the time zone specified in the Parameters of the DataAccessUnit.
Primitive types:
new Integer(text);
User-defined types:
public class Color {
private String name;
public Color(String name) {
this.name = name;
Example 1: collection of enum values
public enum Color {
Property type is a List<Color>. User input must be
a list of string: for example, {"RED", "BLUE", "GREEN"}, or a string: "RED,BLUE,GREEN".
The member string values will be converted to Color enum values.
Example 2: collection of persistence entities
public class Employee extends PersistenceEntityBase implements NormativeId {
Property type is a Set<Employee>. User input must be
a list of employee nid(s): for example, {"011", "012", "025"}, or a string: "011,012,025".
The member nid values will be used to retrieve Employee entities from persistence.
With autoComplete enabled, a list of suggestions will be shown while user is typing. Or open input dialog, user can create new entities or select existing entities.
public List<SelectItem> getPropertySelectItems(EntityProperty<T> property) throws SystemException {
// The values of select items must be String
public List<SelectItem> getDynamicSelectItems(PersistenceDataBackingBean<T> backingBean,
T entity, EntityProperty<T> property) throws SystemException {
// The values of select items must be String
To add empty selection:
SelectItemListProvider.addEmptySelection(selectItems, "Select one", true);
Empty selection will be converted to NULL value.
Class SelectItemListProvider provides built-in select items such as for currency, locale and time zone. SelectItem labels are of I18NName type, which will be translated from resource bundles during render phase.
@Property(name="serialNumber", view={ViewType.ENTITY},
The property value will be converted by the converter for both display and update.
The following SerialNumberConverter splits a serial number into groups for readability,
and removes grouping for update.
public class SerialNumberConverter<T extends PersistenceEntity> implements ValueConverter<T>, Serializable {
public Object getValueAsObject(EntityProperty<T> ep, String value) throws SystemException {
if (value == null)
return null;
// remove separator -
return value.replaceAll("-", "");
public String getValueAsString(EntityProperty<T> ep, T entity) throws SystemException {
// split into groups of 4 chars
String value = (String)ep.getValue(entity);
if (value == null)
return null;
int len = value.length();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
if (i>0 && i % 4 == 0)
return sb.toString();
public MyEntityProperty<T extends PersistenceEntity> extends EntityProperty<T> {
protected Object convert(Object value) throws InvalidValueException, SystemException {
// convert to string
protected Object getValueInternal(T entity, boolean convertToString) throws SystemException {
The value to convert can be a String or other type depending on its UI view component.
see Extensions on how to create custom EntityProperty types and render styles for custom UI components.