Cmobilecom AF 5.19 Developer Guide

9 User Defined Entity Properties

Entity attributes are user-defined properties, and viewed in the same way as entity properties defined in Java classes. For example, a class Book may define properties: name and author. These properties are defined in Java classes and called Entity Properties. If a user needs to create a piano Book, the user may want to define additional attributes such as music style and whether it includes a audio CD. These attributes are defined by users and called Entity Attributes.

Define EntityAttr and Options

For an entity to support attributes, there must be a place to define attributes and store their values. By default, if an entity has a Hierarchy, the system will look for attribute definitions in its Hierarchy if the Hierarchy class implements EntityAttrSupport.

An EntityAttr has a name, display name, type and whether it is required. It can have a number of options. For example, Book attributes are defined in book hierarchy (category).

@Entity(name = "BookAttr")
@Table(name = "BookAttr")
public class BookAttr extends EntityAttrBase {	
	private BookHierarchy bookHierarchy;
	@JoinColumn(nullable=false, name="bookHierarchyId")
	public BookHierarchy getBookHierarchy() {
		return bookHierarchy;

	public void setBookHierarchy(BookHierarchy bookHierarchy) {
		this.bookHierarchy = bookHierarchy;

	@Column(nullable=false, length=20)
	public String getName() {
		return name;
	public String getDisplayName() {
		return displayName;

	@OneToMany(cascade={CascadeType.ALL}, orphanRemoval=true, fetch=FetchType.LAZY, 
		mappedBy=BookAttrOption.PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE, targetEntity=BookAttrOption.class)
	public List<EntityAttrOption> getOptions() {
		return options;

@Entity(name = "BookAttrOption")
@Table(name = "BookAttrOption")
public class BookAttrOption extends EntityAttrOptionBase {
	@JoinColumn(nullable=false, name="bookAttrId")
	public EntityAttr getAttribute() {
		return attribute;

	@Column(nullable=false, length=20)
	public String getName() {
		return name;
	@Column(nullable=false, length=20)
	public String getValue() {
		return value;

Book attributes are defined in book hierarchies.

public class BookHierarchy extends SimpleHierarchyEntity implements EntityAttrSupport {
	@OneToMany(cascade={CascadeType.ALL}, orphanRemoval=true, fetch=FetchType.LAZY, 
		mappedBy="bookHierarchy", targetEntity=BookAttr.class)
	public List<EntityAttr> getEntityAttrs() {
		return bookAttrs;
	public void setEntityAttrs(List<EntityAttr> bookAttrs) {
		this.bookAttrs = bookAttrs;

Entity Attribute Values

An EntityAttrValue is used to store one attribute value. An entity type that implements EntityAttrValue can extend EntityAttrValueBase and define O/R mapping. For example,

public class BookAttrValue extends EntityAttrValueBase {
	private Book book;
	@JoinColumn(nullable=false, name="bookId")
	public Book getBook() {
		return book;
	public void setBook(Book book) { = book;
	@JoinColumn(nullable=false, name="bookAttrId")
	public EntityAttr getAttribute() {
		return attribute;
	@Column(nullable=false, length=20)
	public String getValue() {
		return value;
An entity type that supports attribute values must implement EntityAttrValueSupport. For example,

public class Book extends PersistenceEntityBase implements 
	HierarchySupport<BookHierarchy>, EntityAttrValueSupport {
	private String name;
	private String author;
	private BookHierarchy hierarchy;

	public ProductHierarchy getHierarchy() {
		return hierarchy;

	public void setHierarchy(ProductHierarchy hierarchy) {
		this.hierarchy = hierarchy;
	@OneToMany(cascade={CascadeType.ALL}, orphanRemoval=true, fetch=FetchType.LAZY, 
		mappedBy="book", targetEntity=BookAttrValue.class)
	public List<EntityAttrValue> getEntityAttrValues() {
		return this.attrValues;

	public void setEntityAttrValues(List<EntityAttrValue> attrValues) {
		this.attrValues = attrValues;


If entity attributes are defined in Hierarchy, they are inheritable by hierarchy. Entity attribute definitions will be inherited from its parent and ancestor Hierarchy. For example, Hierarchy MusicBook has a child hierarchy TextMusicBook.
   |  (instrument)

The MusicBook defines an attribute called instrument, and the TextMusicBook defines an attribute called grade, inheriting the instrument attribute from its ancestor hierarchy.

If you create a Book under MusicBook, you can set value for instrument. If you create a Book under TextMusicBook, you can set values for instrument and grade.

If entity attributes are not defined in Hierarchy, then need to override the following method in its EntityBackingBean:

	protected List<EntityAttr> getEntityAttrs(PersistenceDataBackingBean<T> backingBean, T entity) {


Attribute Property Names

The property names of EntityProperty(s) for user-defined attributes start with attr_. For an attribute whose name is foo, its property name is attr_foo. attr_* in ViewConfig stands for all user-defined attributes of an entity type. For example, group all user-defined attributes into one group named "attributes".

		<group name="attributes" nameLocalized="false" 
				position="2" layout="FLOW">attr_*</group>		
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