<object xmlns="http://www.cmobilecom.com/af/objects"
id="slideshow1" type="slideshow">
<div class="ui-slide">
<img src="/images/image1.png" />
<div>This is image 1</div>
<div class="ui-slide">
<img src="/images/image2.png" />
<div>This is image 2</div>
<div class="ui-slide">
<img src="/images/image3.png" />
<div>This is image 3</div>
Slide div(s) need to have class ui-slide, and they can contain any well-formed
XHTML elements or text.
From javascript, the following methods can be called from slideshow widget (widgetVar: imageSlider in the example above).
previous() : previous slide. next(): next slide. slideTo(index): show the slide at the index (starting from 0). start(): start slideshow. stop(): stop slideshow. toggle(): toggle(start/stop) slideshow.For example, add Previous and Next commands to move slides.
<a href="javascript:void();" onclick="Cmobilecom.widgets.imageSlider.previous();return false;">Previous</a>
<a href="javascript:void();" onclick="Cmobilecom.widgets.imageSlider.next();return false;">Next</a>