<container name="dialogBean">
<region number="0">queryForm</region>
<region number="1">queryResults</region>
<region number="2">selectedItems</region>
<unit position="west">
<unit position="center">
It is a border layout: region0(query) in the west layout unit; region1(queryResults)
and region2(selectedItems) in the center layout unit.
There are two ways to open a dialog:
public DialogBean getDialogBean(boolean create)
public DialogBean newDialogBean()
For example, open a new dialog from current containerBean, and add a
bean into region 2:
ContainerBean containerBean = ...;
DialogBean dialogBean = containerBean.newDialogBean();
EntityBackingBean bean = ContainerBean.createEntityBackingBean(..., dialogBean);
dialogBean.showBean(bean, 2);
The created dialogBean will be added as a partial RenderTarget.
A child dialogBean can be opened from a dialogBean in the same way. For example, Open a dialog to show an employee list from persistence:
DialogBean dialogBean = ...;
DialogBean childDialogBean = dialogBean.getDialogBean(true);
QueryCriteria<Employee, Employee> queryCriteria = new QueryCriteria<Employee, Employee>(Employee.class);
EntityDataSource<Employee> eds = new EntityDataSource<Employee>(queryCriteria);
childDialogBean.showEntityList(Employee.class, eds, false);
By default, a dialog is modal. To create non-modal dialog,
DialogView dialogView = dialogBean.getViewConfig().getDialogView(true);
DialogListener dialogListener = new DialogListener() {
public PageNavigation dialogClosed(DialogBean dialogBean, Object data) throws SystemException {
// handle event
return null;
PersistenceEntityManager peManager = getPersistenceEntityManager();
Employee employee = peManager.getEntity(Employee.class, "123");
EntityDataSource eds = new EntityDataSource(employee);
return dialogBean.showEntity(Employee.class, eds, null, false);
A dialog can be closed by user on client side, or close it on server side.
To close dialog explicitly on server side and notify the listener,
dialogBean.close(true, data);
The data will be passed to the dialog listener.
messages, commands, commandVisibleNames,
After the confirm dialog is closed, the following methods
can be used to check which command is clicked.
containerBean.showMessageDialog(title, messages);
containerBean.showProgressDialog(menuNode, initialValue,
labelTemplate, ajax,
displayOnly, closeDialogOncomplete);
see Javadoc for details.