The built-in db descriptors include those for Mysql and Oracle databases. To support a new database, its XML descriptor must be provided. Its file name is [dbmsType]-descriptor.xml where dbmsType is the type of database, case-sensitive. For example, mysql-descriptor.xml, oracle-descriptor.xml, etc.
Database XML descriptors need to be put under conf/db before running Cmobilecom Installer. They will be available as choices for the target database, and will be copied to conf/db under installation directory by the installer.
The following is a sample descriptor for mysql database.
<db-descriptor dbmsType="mysql">
<param name="databaseSameAsSchema" value="true"/>
<param name="userSameAsSchema" value="false"/>
<param name="jdbc.driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
<param name="jdbc.url"
<dialect name="setCurrentSchema">
<sql>USE #{schema}</sql>
<dialect name="createSchema">
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON #{schema}.* TO '#{username}'@'#{userHost}' IDENTIFIED BY '#{password}' WITH GRANT OPTION;
<dialect name="createUser">
<sql>CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS '#{username}'@'#{userHost}' IDENTIFIED BY '#{password}'</sql>
<dialect name="grantPrivileges">
<sql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON #{schema}.* TO '#{username}'@'#{userHost}' WITH GRANT OPTION</sql>
<dialect name="grantTablePrivileges">
<!-- the same user already has all privileges on tables of all schema -->
<dialect name="deleteSchema">
DROP DATABASE #{schema};
revoke all privileges on #{schema}.* from '#{username}'@'#{userHost}';
The following is a sample descriptor for oracle 11g database.
<db-descriptor dbmsType="oracle">
<param name="databaseSameAsSchema" value="false"/>
<param name="userSameAsSchema" value="true"/>
<param name="jdbc.driver" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" />
<param name="jdbc.url"
<dialect name="setCurrentSchema">
<dialect name="createSchema">
<sql>GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO #{schema} IDENTIFIED BY #{password}</sql>
<dialect name="createUser">
<!-- user is the same as schema -->
<dialect name="grantPrivileges">
<!-- privileges have been granted to the user(schema) -->
<dialect name="grantTablePrivileges">
<sql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON #{srcSchema}.#{table} TO #{targetSchema}</sql>
<dialect name="deleteSchema">
<sql>DROP USER #{schema} CASCADE</sql>
A database descriptor defines both params and dialects.
All the supported variables #{variable} will be resolved at runtime.
A param element defines a parameter value or some characteristics of a database. For example, driver class, connection url, etc.
A dialect is defined as a sequence of sql(s) and commands. A sql element defines a number of sql statements that will be sent to database server for execution. However, a command defines a program with its arguments and will be executed on server operating system where JVM is running.
<dialect name="dialect_name"> <sql>sql statements</sql> <command> <program>command_path_on_server</program> <argument>command_argument1</argument> <argument>command_argument2</argument> <stdoutCharset>charset</stdoutCharset> </command> </dialect>To add descriptors for other databases, follow the examples above.